The pain

The pain is near constant. It dulls all other senses and distracts from every encounter and activity.

Bluetooth modules I fantasize about…





iOS – version distribution

Contemplating what versions of iOS I should support in my app endeavors this was found:

making it clear that supporting iOS 7 and later should suffice because f**k the four percent.

Thumbnail creating

snippet for creating thumbnail:


The Princess and the Frog

just the scans:

Securing cables

The thingies that you use to secure a cable to enclosure holes has a few common names:

Strain relief,  cord grip, cable bushing and cable glands

Útlöndum ber að varast

Sigmundur elur á ótta við allt sem að utan kemur. Hérna er smá hljóðkilppa sem skyrir afhverju Frakkar eru svona “crazy” og Íslendingar eðlilegir:

Toxoplasmosis er mjög áhugaverður sjúdómur og snýkillinn sem veldur honum er merkilegt kvikindi. Það er margt sem bendir til þess að fólk geti orðið fyrir persónuleikabreytingum vegna snýkilsinns. Wikipedia segir okkur svo hvaðan fólk oftast fær toxoplasmosis:

Cats are the primary source of infection to human hosts, although contact with raw meat, especially lamb, is a more significant source of human infections in some countries.

Þeir sem skilja útlensku komast sem sagt að því að helsta hættan stafar af lambakjöti (ætli Sigmundur vilji banna sölu á hráu óunnu lambakjöti) og köttum (drepum þessi helvítis kvikyndi).

Kanski erum það við sem erum crazy og ekki nautakjötsétandi Frakkinn!

Crayon Syntax Highlighter

So I was thinking about blogging some of my coding mainly because writing it and publishing somehow inexplicably makes it better more focused and I seem to get more things done. In order to publish code I need some good way to present it and thus I installed Crayon Syntax Highlighter because it had the highest rating of the two syntax highlighter plugins I looked at. The other one, SyntaxHighlighter Evolved, had more downloads though.

So now to insert some Objective-C and c how it turns out.

here is the crayon syntax highlighter documentation for future reference.

though I am thinking maybe SyntaxHighlighter Evolved is the thing to use since it is the one used on as seen here

Raw files contain more than I thought

So I have had this camera for about three years and never taken advantage of taking photos in raw format until yesterday. Faaaaaakin hell this is some black magic voodoo conjuring of colors right there.